> I agree the tags are a bit limited, but I think the distinction
> between restaurant and fast_food is usually a good one.
> amenity=food doesn't show that it is prepared food, ready to
> eat rather than a shop selling the raw materials. Adding the
> extra tags to restaurant and fast_food will work by improving
> what we have rather than creating a new, parallel set of tags.
> Is it worth capturing?: yes. This would be useful for someone
> creating a tourist map of an area for example.

I quite liked Nick's idea, although perhaps stick with
amenity=restaurant and/or amenity=fast_food rather than
amenity=food; the eat_in=yes/no option would dictate whether you
could eat in or not. Otherwise I would want to tag fast food
restaurants with two amenity tabs which I don't think is currently
supported by any editors (cf supermarket/post-office discussion -
was that this list? - ah yes " The 0.6 API will not support
duplicate key values.").

So in my example of the KFC drive_thru with eat in area, I could use
each with 
(and I don't think I'd bother with a foodtype in KFC's case,
although I liked the idea - a restaurant nearby called Saffron sells
some sort of eastern cuisine, but I can't remember which and a
foodtype there would be useful)

The difference in how it rendered would then solely be down to my
choice of amenity tag, but all the information would be captured. I
guess if delivery=yes then going totally over the top we could add
telephone= and perhaps url= for ways to order. But that's probably
going too far...

I think I'll check the places I've added already (all I think as
restaurant) and reconsider whether fast_food would be appropriate. I
figure I might use fast_food for anywhere that doesn't have an
eat_in facility even if the food doesn't arrive particularly
quickly. I'll also use fast_food for any of KFC, BK, McDonalds or
smaller chains doing similar even if they do have eat_in facilities.
I don't think I will for Pizza Hut (unless they are one of the small
delivery non-eat-in versions I've seen about), Pizza Express and so

And I haven't even mentioned the amenity=café (or is that cafe?)


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