> I think you guys can do the same, let's try to let know the google
> mapmakers
> that there is a project similar of what they are doing named OpenStreetMap
> where their efforts will not be closed later by any company or similar.

I think that there is a certain problem with 'cold calling' anybody on the
internet raises the immediate questions are 'what's in it for you' or 'am
I being scammed'.

Contacting people is great, but you should have at least something in
common and should expect to share data.

Personally I've taken two recent actions on this sort of thing:
1). Local person here in Calgary is promoting adding footways/cycleways to
Google to improve routing. So I emailed promoting OSM and asking to swap
data (offering the stuff I have personally collected under suitable

2). ATV group in Crowsnest Pass. I've just emailed the group to let them
know that there's a new version of OSM/Garmin GPS map which they can
download and share. Hopefully this will peak their interest to get
involved and add/correct trails in the Pass.

The key is to tread softly and don't come over too heavy....

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