I'd like to start discussion on the deprecation of the Tag:highway=stop in
favour of using stop=yes/both/-1.


Unfortunately, when the page was first created, it was mistakenly put directly
under the root namespace, instead of Proposed_features/. Before moving it and
starting the usual Voting period, I'd like to trigger discussion here -- maybe
it's ok for everyone and we can keep it where it is now ;-)

The rationale for this is: there are different usages of highway=stop, and none
of them are correct.

The first usage is putting highway=stop in the node where ways intersect: this
is not right, since that intersection represents (more-or-less) the center of
the junction, and I've never seen a stop sign in the middle of a junction ;-)

Consequent to this, I previously adopted the habit to put a highway=stop node
*before* the junction, on a separate node (on the same way, obviously), for
each of the streets having it. I believe this is a bit complicated for routing
services -- let me give an example.
Imagine we have Foo Road intersecting Bar Avenue -- and Foo Road has stops on
both sides of the junction, on separate nodes. This is what routing softwares
(I believe) will say:

  "Go straight on Foo Road, then stop, continue on Foo Road, then pass the
  junction with Bar Avenue, go on Foo Road, stop, continue on Foo Road"

This is obviously wrong. Yes, we could link those stops with the junction in a
relation -- but adopting a proper Key:stop stop seems *much* cleaner to me.

Also, TagWatch shows some usage of this tag in Europe:


(not commits by me, I found this yesterday :-) -- I'm hijacking this proposal
due to lack of time of the original maintainer)

Ideas? Comments? Flames? :-)

Please also tell me if I need to move the page into a proper template under


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