2009/9/21 Russ Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com>:
> John Smith writes:
>  > verifiable, if I go to ny county, ny, us I won't know the difference
>  > to the adjcent county etc, we're not supposed to embed symbol
>  > information for the renderer and this is exactly what you are
>  > suggesting we do.
> I agree.  You wouldn't.  However, everybody else would look at OSM and
> see the New York State county route shield.  "Oops, this other county
> route lacks the shield.  Hmmmm.... what's the difference?  Ahhhh, I
> see!  This other one needs network=us_ny_ny_co."

What you guys are suggesting is just as bad as tagging each way with
the file name of the shield, you don't do it and you don't tag these
ways with the state or country either what's so specical that these
ways need not only the same information that other tags have been made
redundent but a super duper special new tag to do the same thing.

The country, state and county is rendundent information, it just needs
the specific shield type, eg US, I, etc, the rest can be pulled from
boundary polygons.

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