2010/1/9 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> 2010/1/9 Carsten Nielsen <list_re...@toensberg.dk>:
>> John Smith skrev:
>>> If we are assuming GPS, then it's irrelevent, since you are plotting
>>> from lat/lon to lat/lon, if it's hi-res imagery it would still be
>>> lat/lon...
>>> The GPS data may look bent, which may lead to people adding extra
>>> nodes unnessicarily, but this is a perception thing, not one that has
>>> more or less benefit in this.
>> How do you know that the way between the two points is a "straight" line ?
> Pretty sure this is a hypothetical question, because even the highway
> across the Nullabor is bound to be not perfectly straight, although it
> would be mostly straight :)

This is a neat video, show's how straight the road is in condensed
form, although it's hard to tell how straight since the camera seems
fixed to the car and the car moves side to side a bit, which is
understandable given how boring that must be to travel on.


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