2010/1/9 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> No it isn't, the preprocessing software could do that if it needs it,
> this isn't a reason to add extra nodes to the database.

We are talking about the API for editors and casual use of the
database.  There are no pre-processors involved.  Sure, rendering
engines that are working with huge parts of the planet set and doing
pre-processor runs can handle long lines (if they know they have to).
But if you want to edit a small area in the middle, your editor won't
download the huge outer areas required to find that such a line

This was done by design, because it makes processing an API request
much easier, and cheaper on server resources.  It may well be that
your ideal of two points only is the best way, but unless the API is
changed to work that way it is irrelevant. It doesn't work.

The whole great circle issue is a red herring - it doesn't matter as
long as the API doesn't change.  Don't expect the API to change in a


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