On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 18:53 -0700, Sam Vekemans wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Sami Dalouche <sko...@free.fr> wrote:
> <snip>
>         So, if you already have all the rendering machinery in place,
>         I would be
>         happy to create the scripts to regularly go fetch the maps you
>         render
>         and publish them onto some kind of user-centric website.
>         That would be awesome !
>         sami
> Yup it would :)  ... yes they are routable, and your talking about 2
> different countries and 3 different states, and cycling / hiking /
> routing / contour (topographical) which cover a big area.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=43.41&lon=-74.69&zoom=7&layers=B000FTFT
> (zoom in to where you like and click the Permalink button at the
> bottom right corner)

is an example of an area that is of interest to me. However, as I prefer 
simplicity of use over complete control, I prefer loading a 4GB SD card with 
the whole area I am possibly interested in (let's say, new england + NY + 
quebec), and then forget about it. 

Are you saying that it is an unreasonable use case ?

> Contour + Hiking map/cycling   - non-routable on MapSource is possable
> hiking + routable (no contours on MapSource) is possable.
> routable + contours on MapSource is not possable   (because of licence
> & proprietary software)

When you say "possible/impossible on MapSource", do you mean
"technically possible/impossible using Garmin's .img format" ?

What is the licensing problem that prevents creating routable + contour
maps ?

> However, transparent contour IMG files (that i'm making)  can be used
> as a background map (And a contour -only MapSource Installer and/or as
> available IMG tiles., for any map that you want. (is also in progress)
I'm sorry I'm not yet familiar with the GPS I just got, but please let
me rephrase that so I am sure to understand :

"it is impossible to create a contour + routable + hiking on garmin, but
you are circomventing this limitation by generating an additional
transparent background map that can be overlaid on top of any other map,
including hiking+routable". Is that what you mean ?

Also, I wonder : what is the difference between the "contour map" that
you talk about and garmin's official "topographic" maps ? Do the
topographic map contain more information than the contour ?

> Yup, Slowly but surely, this is the goal todo.  In order to get to
> that point, there is a WHOLE LOT of technical process that needs to be
> done.

No doubt about that ;) The beauty of software development ;-)

> To talk@ osm:   In other words, I just need to get a .nsis script file
> created using ground truth, (just like makemap has).  I can do that
> myself with an .iss file, but it will stall & is not automatic,  other
> than that were set on the back-end side.   For the front-end.  I have
> it set to edting a txt file.  and following dos command prompts.  But
> thats as technical as i know how.  (& Because it is using outside
> programs, the details i'll post on a blog or something)
> Cheers,
> Sam


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