Am 31.08.2010 10:35, schrieb Florian Lohoff:
> Its about the new complexity - I am not against ODBL+CT + whatever per se.
> It might be the better solution - although its much more complex as we
> see - I would like the new license to be much simpler than before and i am
> willing to pay to "price" of Share-Alikeness and other "protecting" elements.

I agree, but...

> I'd rather say - make it PD and lets continue mapping - Its not about
> licenses but rather about community. 

I very much agree.

> I'll not relicense as it stands today as thats the only time i am beeing
> asked about relicensing and the license - so the only choice i have
> is to refuse relicensing now ...

... I rather accept the new license, assuming the lawyers and the LWG
know what they're doing.

Besides the CT open a way to PD, which is also incentive to accept them.
(And a source of problems where incompatible imports happened).

Dirk-Lüder "Deelkar" Kreie
Bremen - 53.0901°N 8.7868°E

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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