On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:14 AM, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> Failing that, maybe its time that more people started doing what Im
> doing.  Im quite an active mapper, as its something I enjoy doing with
> my time.  What Ive been doing for the past couple of months, is only
> making minor edits live, but for larger edits Im still doing my mapping
> but storing my edits in a collection of .osm files.

Sure, that will work for some people. Not me - I want the instant
gratification of seeing my edits live.

Btw rather than everyone just waiting for the licence issues to
resolve themselves, the LWG is apparently open to people helping
directly. Perhaps by drafting new versions of the CTs. I don't know
how to have constructive discussions on the topic though - most seem
to devolve fairly rapidly.


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