You will also find discussion of this list in that meeting. If I had posted the 
new logo idea here before doing anything there would have been a gigantic 
discussion on it and nothing would happen. Any progress at all in any direction 
now means at least 5 or 10 people on this list don't like it. That makes it 
very hard for anyone to achieve anything without treating this list as noise. 
We need to get away from that. Any ideas appreciated.


On Apr 30, 2011, at 7:23, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:

> 2011/4/30 Mikel Maron <>:
>> From: Simon Poole <>
>>> While I don't quite understand why the SWG has turned in to the WDWG (Web
>>> Design Working Group)
>> SWG has taken this on because the usability of the site is a the primary way
>> users, new and old, engage with OSM, there are definitely issues with it.
> the logo is not an usability topic.
>> Yet, in yesterday's meeting, we realized that actually doing anything would
>> be a good start.
> Yes, looking at the working group log, I realized that. Looks like
> Steve posted this proposal [1] he found in the web (or someone sent
> him), and one day later some logos are changed on the front page (some
> still are old versions).
> There is two quotes I want to cite from the log:
> 1.
> (12:38:15 PM) SteveC: TomH: how is rails 3 coming BTW?
> (12:39:02 PM) TomH: oh it mostly works, but there's an issue with our
> multi-part primary keys that is giving me grief
> (12:39:11 PM) TomH: that's the only thing causing test failures now though
> 2.
> "(12:42:31 PM) SteveC: wonderchook: and I have opinions on Fukushima
> despite not being a nuclear engineer, but it's much better to have
> people work on design who... know how to design and build things"
> It's not that I necessarily prefer the old logo above the one that is
> there at the moment, it is the process I want to point at. Why, if
> there are apparently no designers in the SWG, should there be such a
> hurry (and why should they decide at all, maybe setting up a design
> group would be a better alternative)? The logo change is a big deal,
> it affects hundreds of sites (also of other people using OSM data and
> show the logo), stickers, t-shirts, cups, flyers and other print
> material and maps(!)...
> Usually changing the logo is not a oneliner, it is an iterative
> process. Make some proposals, choose the aspects you like, recombine
> them, ...
> Like software deployment requires testing (see irc-log above, 1.) the
> same is valid (in a different way) also for design (2.) and even more
> for UI-design. Usually the first experiments are not done on the front
> page.
> cheers,
> Martin
> ______
> [1] (12:35:35 PM) SteveC: Go look at this logo:
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