On 20/06/11 18:11, Chris Hill wrote:

It seems to me the same issues come up again and again, but never concluded, so it is not necessarily the fault of the person asking the question (or even of the LWG). I suggest that people directly trying to communicate with the LWG is a symptom and not a cause of the communication problem.

And exactly how did making a long list of personal demands at the eleventh hour help with that process?

Ok, just sanity check here - I looked at subject line as to what we are talking about - which is communication difficulties and LWG and related issues. Part of the problem in OSM mailing lists is that discussions keep going off topic and this is even directly after I raised it as a problem. Given that is a significant problem, the question is how do we address it?

I suggest list moderation (which is community lead, not by a dictator) and a high standard of behavior set by the community leaders. (Yes, admittedly moderation takes volunteers but we need to agree on a plan before implementing it.) Can anyone think of a better plan?



PS I plan to disregard, as much as I can, all non-constructive input. I will probably only be partly successful though.

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