On 6/21/2011 4:20 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

We have a specalist mailing list, legal-talk, to discuss these matters.

However, in this particular question you are unlikely to find a firm answer, given that the question whether temporary files constitute a proper manifestation of data or are just an implementation detail of an algorithm is something that lots of lawyers are discussing (see current cases about streaming media and if consumers need a copyright license).

I try to stay out of this argument, but I'd advise everyone to carefully read the text above, and then read it again.

If I wanted to spend my time talking to lawyers (and could afford it) I'd be building applications with Teleatlas and similar data sources. There's no end to the involvement of lawyers, salespersons and other parasites there.

People who want to build applications gravitate towards open data precisely because they can escape this BS and be engineers.

Fred has just made a brilliant explanation of why the license change is an attempt of the OSMF to commit suicide. Ten years from now, OSM may well be like Usenet or DOS, fondly remembered but part of the past. It didn't have to be this way, and frankly, the same effect of the license change could have been had by just deleting all the data, selling the servers, and letting the domain names expire and be bought by domainers -- except this way people are going to keep wasting their time on a project that's been failed.

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