On 27 Jul 2011, at 10:15, Steve Doerr wrote:

> On 27/07/2011 03:04, Stephen Hope wrote:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name#Notes
>> Um - no.  If a place wants to be written "St Albans", then that's the
>> name. Just because you pronounce it "Saint Albans" makes no
>> difference.
>> If they'd just shortened it for some signs to save space (like street,
>> road etc), then I'd agree with you.  But if they want the proper name
>> to be St Albans, not Saint Albans, we should respect that. If it is
>> how the name is officially spelt, then it's not an abbreviation, even
>> if it looks and sounds like one.
> I personally prefer 'St' over 'Saint', but I wouldn't go so far as to assert 
> what Stephen Hope does. After all, in alphabetical lists, names beginning 
> 'St' have traditionally been sorted as if they were written 'Saint'.

I don't think how they're sorted has anything to do with it, if every time the 
place name is written, it's written "St Albans", even in official documentation 
of what the town is called, it's name is "St Albans", simple as that.

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