>Please bear in mind that, even if we wanted to offer free tiles to every
>commercial app in the world, our hosts would not permit us to do so. Nor is
>it OSM's role to give OpenMaps a competitive advantage by providing it with
>a free server when (for example) the OffMaps developers offer similar apps
>but pay for their own servers. (Of course, if any individuals wanted to
>start a project to provide such a free tile server, I'm sure it would be
>very popular.)

Absolutely. This may be a rather controversial opinion, but would it maybe be a 
good idea to offer "Qt like licencing" for use of the OSM tile server? Rather 
than paying say GBP100 a month for their hosting (I'm guessing it would be that 
much for a serious tile provider , as I pay around GBP25 for mine and still 
encounter osm2pgsql import issues) could closed-source/commercial apps maybe 
pay a similar amount to OSM instead to pay for increased server power? If 
you're making a profit on your app, it kind-of seems fair to pay for use of 
tiles, while app or library developers using an open-source licence would still 
be able to use the tiles for free, with a perhaps more generous usage allowance 
than presently.

The original suggestion of vector rendering seems a good one though, perhaps 
better, in certain cases than setting up your own tile server. Given that 
planet extracts are readily downloadable, and as server resources are the thing 
that need to be minimised if at all possible, offloading rendering to the 
client can only be a good thing.


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