On 10 February 2012 14:13, John Sturdy <jcg.stu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've started to remap an area that I don't know from first-hand
> experience, as it's got a particularly high concentration of data that
> was mapped by a decliner.  I'm remapping it from Bing (deleting old
> data and re-tracing it) which means that I lose the road names.  I
> don't think this is particularly satisfactory, I'm just doing it so
> there won't be a gap from the switchover date.
> I've realized from doing this (and from guessing I won't be the only
> remapper working this way) that it might be worth re-instating the
> "noname" option to the slippy map, for a period around the changeover
> date (perhaps from around now, until remapping has largely been done).
> Any thoughts on this?

It is indeed a problem. However, you should be able to use OS OpenData
StreetView [1] to get the names. Otherwise, in some cases you can use
the name from the original way (probably assuming the way wasn't
originally created or named by a decliner).

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ordnance_Survey_Opendata#OS_StreetView

Matt Williams

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