Am 16.04.2012 06:33, Stephan Knauss:
When the crisis in Libya started to heat up I was asked if I could
provide bilingual rendering which is still online on
Is this of use for anybody? If no one cares for the bilingual rendering
I might stop serving the map as my machine is quite small.
If now even mapquest is providing bilingual rendering then having mine
might be obsolete by now.

Your rendering is a very good example showing where the duplication takes place if multiple scripts are entered into the primary name-tag. e.g. west of Tripoli you see the place node for "Surman" showing the English name three times. I think with the availability of the MapQuest rendering and the recent decrease in interest in mapping Libya you might consider turning your's off.
I did use it quite heavily a while ago though. Thanks for that.


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