On 02/01/2013 08:54 PM, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
> On 1 February 2013 19:06, Jeff Meyer <j...@gwhat.org
> <mailto:j...@gwhat.org>> wrote:
>     Fine, disagree, but please disagree with a plan for how to fund
>     your alternate plan, describing in detail the source of new funds
>     or what other OSMF activities should be de-funded to support this
>     plan.
> I agree with what you're saying although I can't help thinking that if
> the OSMF can't take the risk of having some things in the wiki, the
> solution, for everyone's benefit, is to move the wiki to a server
> that's not paid for by the OSMF.  I'm positive finding such a server
> wouldn't be difficult (in fact the home page says it is hosted at UCL
> & ByteMark -- so if the OSMF is neither hosting nor writing the
> content, should it accept the C+D?  The admins *are* OSMF members, but
> they're not OSMF).

Bad idea because a link to the OSMF can still be established.

But it reminds me of an obvious response - let's streisand them ! I have
no relationship to the OSMF in any way and I volunteer to mirror the
wiki with the infringing words - read-only since I have limited
processing power on my host. Does anyone have an archive of the latest
infringing version ? Let's produce a mirroring kit and spread it far and
wide !

The verb 'to geocode' is generic English language word and I'll stand by
that even if a US court decides otherwise. Silly fight ? Yes - I have
absolutely no skill whatsoever in choosing my battles ! Good thing I'm
not a US citizen.

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