On 02/01/2013 08:54 PM, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
I agree with what you're saying although I can't help thinking that
if the OSMF can't take the risk of having some things in the wiki,
the solution, for everyone's benefit, is to move the wiki to a server
that's not paid for by the OSMF.  I'm positive finding such a server
wouldn't be difficult (in fact the home page says it is hosted at UCL
& ByteMark -- so if the OSMF is neither hosting nor writing the
content, should it accept the C+D?  The admins *are* OSMF members,
but they're not OSMF). The OSMF has at some point started assuming
responsibility for what is being published in the database and now on
the wiki.  In the case of the database it makes sense for someone to
give some level of warranty that the data in it in fact is legally
usable, although the consequences of this step have had a terrible
effect on the map and the community so far.


Current situation is getting silly to the point that I'm seriously
considering abandoning this project and leaving history tab, vector
tiles and my other projects unfinished just to have peace of mind and
work in a sane project with sane organization behind it like KDE.

On one hand OSMF is telling us they don't want any strategic planning
and involvement, on the other they are redacting and editing data and
wiki. And this is possible mostly because what Andrzej said - that they
host the servers (which I am personally grateful for - to the admins -
no to people who use it for political bullshit like this).

This is NOT how a project should work and you will only discourage
people by doing such stunts.

Either finally get your act together and prepare a proper organization
like KDE e.v (http://ev.kde.org/) or get out of the project and
leave it be. There is still plenty of energy that will fill the void
after you (I'm talking to OSMF).


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