On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 07:45:31PM +0100, malenki wrote:
> I am working on Lake Nasser* and can predict that after enhancing
> it's shore the resulting MP will be quite big. 
> Based on what I have done so far I'd expect an Multipolygon (MP) with
> about 10.000 Members and an outline of 14.000 km length. A relation of
> this size is no good idea in hindsight of maintainability and conflicts
> due simultaneous edits. 
> So I thought about mapping it as coastline (again) and had a look at
> how other big lakes were mapped.

thanks for the interesting analysis.

> Now my questions:
> What do you think is the better way to map an updated Lake Nasser?
> Make another MMP (Monster MultiPolygon) or
> map it as coastline (which is discouraged in the wiki)?

coastline. Everything else would seem like a nightmare and I do not think 
there is any reasonable ground for the distinction of coastlines according 
to lake/ocean type.

Perhaps we should be a bit more bold and map all bigger lakes with 
coastline unless they have been already mapped differently.


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