On Wednesday 18 February 2015, Jochen Topf wrote:
> The Great Lakes should move away from the natural=coastline mapping.
> I myself have fixed this for some other lakes but didn't want to
> touch the Great Lakes because they are, well, so great, and in parts
> mapped in a lot of detail. I home somebody will take on that project.

For reference: currently tagged as natural=coastline are - in order of 
their surface area:

Caspian Sea
Lake Michigan-Huron
Lake Superior
Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
Lake Lagoda
Lake Onega
Nettilling Lake
Rybinsk Reservoir

Of these only the first three are the largest by area, the others are a 
more or less arbitrary selection.  Of course technically geometric 
complexity is more relevant than surface area - but also here quite a 
few lakes not tagged as coastline are more complex than several of the 

Nettilling Lake is a special case since it is mapped as a bay, i.e. is 
no separate ring.  It is in fact a lake however (~30m above sea level).

Lake Ontario and Rybinsk Reservoir have both been newly tagged as 
coastline recently agaist the general moratorium:


Christoph Hormann

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