2015-03-12 13:08 GMT+01:00 Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@gmail.com>:

> [landuse=farmland; farmland=greenhouse_horticulture] instead of
> [landuse=greenhouse_horticulture]

this was discussed and is kind of an edge case. Could also be seen as
industrial usage maybe? "Officially" I guess that greenhouses count
typically as farmland, yes. On the other hand, not every kind of farmland /
agriculture is tagged in OSM as farmland, think landuse=meadow (maybe a
better example for your point), and greenhouse areas visually look very
different to open fields. IMHO a dedicated landuse can be justified.

> [landuse=industrial; industrial=salt_pond] instead of [landuse=salt_pond]

another edge case, again "officially" salt_ponds count likely as industrial
usage, but they are very different in appearance and usage intensity to
most other industrial usages like production plants or storage (warehouses
etc.). I find it defendable to have a dedicated landuse for them.

> [landuse=industrial; industrial=mine] instead of [landuse=mine]

1000 landuse=mine, I have not checked the individual elements, but this
doesn't seem to be an established way of mapping in OSM. THere is
landuse=quarry with definitely some overlap, while underground mining
typically won't be tagged with landuse, as there will be other stuff on the
surface? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:landuse doesn't have a
mention of this tag, it just appears here:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/industrial but there
is no definition either.

> [landuse=industrial; industrial=mine; mine=copper_mine] instead of
> [landuse=copper_mine]

there are no actual cases of "landuse=copper_mine" in our db, zero. The
1000 landuse=mine (very few compared to a total of 13M landuse tags and
104K cases of quarry). Please let's talk about actual tags, preferably
those that can be regarded "established", making up tags that are not used
and then pointing to them as negative examples won't lead to any progress.

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