On 22/08/15 11:10, Daniel Koć wrote:
>> I'd be tempted to leave motorways as blue - it's not such a critical
>> problem as the invisible green trunk roads. Adding one
> For me the problem is the same - blue looks like a river and I don't
> know why at least some of UK-ers likes to see the London area roads like
> this (I mean: having to spot two most important road types!):
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=9/51.3289/-0.0673
> Its not that "UK style" doesn't work for the rest of the world, it also
> doesn't work for UK on OSM, because we have much more data visible than
> other maps.

The switch to more pastel colours WAS the problem here, but the blue of
the motorway still stands out clearly against the water courses. The
only current problem is actually the B roads being lost against the
'farmland' but that is simple to fix - just switch off 'farmland' since
the vast majority of areas not identified are farmland anyway. The loss
of visibility of these in preference to the miss coloured yellow
unclassified roads is the current problem on UK views.

> That's not against this or any other local styling - I never
> underestimate the power of old habits and I'd like the people to have
> what they want on the output, no matter why they want it, but it's just
> not going to happen as long as default style has a mission to be universal.

That more styles are required is a simple fact. The problem is allowing
access to an appropriate style rather than the current single option
provided by the main page. We need to be able to select style AND
language defaults in much the same way that projects like php provide
multiple mirrors with local translations and information.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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