
Bearing in mind the wiki is used more often by new OSM contributors & therefore should be a clear & concise as possible, I'm curious why this icon is so prevalent: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/images/thumb/5/5f/Osm_element_tag.svg/200px-Osm_element_tag.svg.png

There's no description of what it means or relates to. It refers purely to 'behind the scenes' business. New users are interested in that. Even if it were described, it would still be irrelevant as *all* tags are based on a key=value format.

This confusion might actually put new users off editing.

If there's no substantial reason for it's inclusion, I suggest they be removed.

In a similar vein I notice a few wiki pages concerning tagging have XML OSM database code. Completely unnecessary & again, might put off users who believe you have to have programming experience to contribute.

Dave F.

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