W dniu 04.01.2016 3:39, Joseph Reeves napisał(a):

Qemu / KVM is pretty straightforward to get running, probably easier
for a linux newbie than getting a tileserver built on 15.10, and
you'll benefit from learning about virtualization under Ubuntu. You'll
also be able to experiment with the virtual machine without messing up
your usual work environment.

I've got a setup like this and am very happy with it.

I don't know how much slower is such virtualization and how important is this aspect for you, but I would definitely start with Docker containers, which are lightweight and allow having multiple such machines, which are separated from the rest and the main system. Docker is also available for Windows or OS X:


and while using it outside Linux makes virtualization necessary (which will be always slower than Linux native/containers), it brings other nice features, like having clean installation instructions in the form of Dockerfile (think of makefiles for compiling application code, but on the OS level). On Linux we have possibility of running Docker images based on other distributions, which is just great and makes a whole thing fast and versatile at the same time.

I have found some ready OSM-related Docker images here:


TileServer image from this repository is not so new (initial Dockerfile made 2 years ago, last successful update and build 8 months ago):


but in Docker world it's easy to fork such recipe and tweak it to your taste. For example this fork uses newer PostgreSQL version and is based on newest Docker-friendly Ubuntu image:


It was created 4 months ago and the builds from last month produce some errors:


but you can always grab the source:


and fix it - or make any other modifications you like - without even messing with your operating system configuration!

Dockerfile instructions are rather easy to understand:


and for me are almost self-explanatory, but it won't be hard to automatically convert it to a more human-friendly format. It would allow us to have up to date documentation for manual installation (for those who like the dirty job or have any issues with Docker) which is on par with the latest Docker image (for the rest of us, who are lazy, afraid of accidentally breaking their primary system and don't like the mess with removing stuff when not needed any more).

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