On 02.05.20 16:54, Yves wrote:
IMHO, a a/b/c/d kind of vote like for the last Article of Association
change would be preferable to really have a more representative idea
of the contributor feelings. Could the OSMF set up such a process? Some of the attributions cases are certainly simple enough to obtain
a momentum, while others (multiple sources, small maps,...) are more
complicated and could be subject to another round.
The attribution requirement is set out in the ODbL, changing that is not straight forward. The OSMF will adopt some Guidelines on how it believes one can abide by what the licence says. Even if the Guidelines say “You must do X and Y”, the ODbL might be interpreted in a court to say something else (weaker or stronger).

The Articles of Association of the OpenStreetMap Foundation don't cover the OpenStreetMap licence, changing the AoA doesn't affect the licence. In theory the OSM Foundation membership can force the board to do things with a “resolution”, which is a sort of “public vote”.

But this is getting side tracked.

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