Hi everyone,

We are doing a research project on how OpenStreetMap users interact with each 
other. Are you willing to help us learn more about communication behaviors in 
OSM? Take this quick and anonymous survey and tell us if and how you use the 
OSM community forum, mailing lists, social media and other channels:


We will share the results of this survey, along with other data, with the 
community. This can help users better understand communication habits in OSM, 
so they can identify the most effective ways to reach other community members. 
We will be presenting our findings at State of the Map US in Richmond, Virginia 
and in diary entries. So stay tuned for more and thank you for participating in 
our survey.

Have a great weekend!

Marjan Van de Kauter (OSMF Communication Working Group member and TomTom 
community engager)
Courtney Williamson (OSMF Communication Working Group member)
Keara Dennehy (TomTom business analyst)
L.J. Lambert (TomTom business analyst)
talk mailing list

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