On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Frank Boehm wrote:

Noch ein Nachtrag zum Netzteil, die Teile sind ja wyse winterm Nachbauten,
ueber deren Netzteil hab ich noch was in meinem Archiv.

| Pinouts:
| (Tested on a Compaq T1010 with my trusty VOM.)
| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 4pin power connection (used in upright variants) | | Female end (facing winterm): | | 4 o o 3
| 2 o o 1
|    ^(notch)
| | Shield: Gnd
| 1 & 4 : +5V
| 2 & 3 : NC | | Power brick is usually made by DVE and rated at 5V 4A. | So long as one of the correct pins gets 5v all is well, you | could even connect all four pins to 5v. | | All these models use this 4pin connector:
| WYSE:   2310SE, 2315SE, 2610SE, 2615SE, 3315SE, 3320SE, 3350SE, 3360SE, 
| Compaq: T1000, T1010.
| HP:     G310, D6840A, Net Vectra.
| Dell:   E200
| Unisys: WP3360
| | LE terminals and other non upright variants use a 12v 1.5A standard 6mm round
| power plug (center pin live).

Danach reicht es: auf alle Pins +5V und Masse aussen

cu Frank

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