> On 19 Jun 2015, at 14:32, Brian Trammell <i...@trammell.ch> wrote:
> hi Michael,
> continued, inline.
>> On 18 Jun 2015, at 18:44, Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
>>> On 18. jun. 2015, at 15.56, Mirja Kühlewind 
>>> <mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>>> Am 18.06.2015 um 15:43 schrieb Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no>:
>>>>> On 18 Jun 2015, at 10:48, Mirja Kühlewind 
>>>>> <mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>> I believe the approach Michael is proposing is to look at existing APIs 
>>>>> as a starting point; not only abstract APIs.
>>>> No, wrong. Only abstract ones from RFCs, I said this before. These things 
>>>> would typically have preceding IETF debate, whereas trying to cover 
>>>> implementations is a huge and probably meaningless endeavour (the bar may 
>>>> be high for adding function calls to an API on system X and low for an API 
>>>> on system Y).
>>> Okay, but then I don’t really understand your approach fully. Yes we should 
>>> document and look at what’s already specified in RFC, however isn’t the 
>>> goal of taps to actually figure out how to change/extend/improve these 
>>> APIs? How can we figure out what’s missing/wrong if we only look at what’s 
>>> already there?
>> *My* goal is, and has always been, to provide a simpler, general API that is 
>> protocol independent.
> +1, though I would at this point say "better" as opposed to "simpler" and 
> "general", with the caveat that i'm not yet sure what better looks like. This 
> gets back to my point about interaction patterns in the previous message, 
> though: if the simpler API provides only stream interaction, or packet 
> sequence interaction, or if it only allows receivers to get data through 
> asynchronous notifications, it will make it hard to support . So maybe we 
> want a better common API for defining the *requirements* of an association, 
> and better TX/RX *APIs* plural, one for each interaction pattern we want to 
> support.

I agree.

>> Note that this is not only for simplicity for ease of use BUT also for the 
>> sake of being able to automatize. After all the major goal is to remove the 
>> strict binding between applications and a specific protocol choice.
> We share this higher level goal in any case.
>> To be able to do this (documents 2 and 3), we first need a list of the 
>> existing services - our toolbox, if you wish (document 1). Figuring out 
>> what's missing / wrong about today's APIs (except that they are bound to a 
>> specific protocol) has never been *my* major intention, and I certainly 
>> don't see that as the goal of this document. I'd be surprised if that's what 
>> the charter suggests?! But of course my opinion is only what it is, the 
>> charter reflects the consensus...
> I don't think that's in scope for this document, either. The component (and 
> decomposition) work is aimed at figuring out what the available features are, 
> and what (in a "TAPS as glue layer over existing transports" design) the 
> implications of using protocol X for feature Y are. The API work is a bit of 
> a non-sequitur (but also important to note...)
>> All this being said, it can be a nice side-effect of the document (and note 
>> that noone knows what a TAPS system will really look like, and how these 
>> RFCs will actually end up being used).
> In general, if there's any content in this document that is useful but 
> doesn't fit but we still find useful, we can certainly put it something else.
>> So I'm not strongly opposing the approach you're now following in that I 
>> don't see a big issue with there being a list of components - I just think 
>> it's not particularly useful for the goal of the document and doesn't really 
>> help the group progress towards its goals. I thought that proposing 
>> something more systematic with less arbitrariness could make it easier to 
>> put everyone in the same boat (in a way: "look, the boat HAS to be like 
>> that, there wasn't much choice, sit down please" rather than "sorry I 
>> painted it green, I like that color; I can understand you would have 
>> preferred a blue boat...").
> I agree. Given, though, that the protocols we're looking at, that they 
> weren't designed from components, it is really not clear to me how to 
> systematically decompose existing protocols without making arbitrary choices 
> as to where to make the cut.

but why decompose?

> (and I wouldn't read too much into the approach we're following -- we're 
> trying to incorporate the input we've taken from discussion on the list into 
> the structure of the document, and as Mirja says, we're completely open to 
> trying other approaches to do that).
> We could take an opposite approach here: jump forward to section 4, define 
> the features we think we want -- this we can do more systematically, because 
> we're only limited by the intersection of the features we want and the 
> features we think we can realistically deploy, as opposed to the history 
> represented by the protocol components -- and then use the components as a 
> check on the feasibility of those features.

Interesting idea - it sounds good to me!


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