On 2010-01-23 (03:18), you wrote:
> Hello Tbbeta,

> What's new since the last alpha:

My  common  folders  are  empty  now. i used common folders on the bat
level, not in account(s).

Best regards, Krzysztof Kudłacik
pb   _,   )\__/(   ,_     Polska Strona Programu The Bat! |
   /'.;`-.`{..}',-';.`\                  http://thebat.pl |
 /'.'; `-,`-""-',-' ;`.`\         The Bat! Polish Support |
 \/\/^\---.\;;/.---/^\/\/                                 |
4.2.23 : Windows 7 6.1 Build 7100 

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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