Hello Stefan and everybody,
I've just downloaded 5.0 for the first time yesterday, so I have a
fresh look at how it is different to 4.0 (as that is the version I
normally use).
I tested 5.0 for a few hours yesterday, and I definitely see some
progress. I certainly hope that infrastructural changes will allow for
faster development in the future — this is a good direction. Also I
hope that architectural changes will make The Bat! less prone to bugs
and regressions — this has been a major problem up to date. I hope for
a cleaner, less-cluttered and more intuitive interface to appear
during 5.x series (I already see some progress in this area too!).

What I want to say is, it seems to me you've taken a good path.
Having say the above I must also say this: current state of 5.0 is
alpha. There is a number of features not working at all or misbehaving
in an obvious way. If you want to make a “release”, which I understand
(the “pressure thing you wrote about”) you may consider cutting out
the misbehaving features first and then calling a release “an official
beta”, a “preview” etc. This will allow you to close, summarize a
certain period of work, without sending your audience a false message
that 5.0 is actually ready to completely replace 4.x series.

As for a list of bugs I absolutely agree with Raymund and Marek! Let
me just draw your attention to some of them that are particularly
annoying to me:

* view modes misbehaving heavily, for example new thread sorting
doesn't work at all,
* selecting folders for IMAP and making them synchronize is a
nightmare — I had to look in three different places: account
properties, IMAP folder management and folder properties. What I ended
up with is far from perfect: I see the usual folders and a folder
[Gmail] below them in which there are all my gmail folders. I'd like
to have things in the same way as I have them in Gmail;
* there is annoying something appearing every now and then as I hover
messages; it looks like a scaled-down message preview, but it is of no
use; I'd keep that off by default
* view modes are not saved at all

This brings me to another point: one particularly nasty recurring
issue in TB is not saving or not applying settings (this existed in
4.2 message list tabs; exists now in viewmodes). I mean that you may
have two objects set up in the same way (for example two message list
tabs) which have exactly the same checkboxes checked etc. but yet they
work differently. You may fix these bugs on a more general level by
doing two things: creating an abstraction layer for saving/reading
settings and switching to a text-based settings storage. This last
step would greatly facilitate bugs diagnosis, since also end users
could see what's wrong.


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