Hello Alto!

On Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 8:39:06 PM you wrote:

> At this point in time I couldn't care less if the vehicle that is v5 
> is sporting 500 PS or 550 PS. I'd be quite satisfied if it had four 
> wheels.

Yes, and v5 might have some night ideas for an airbrush paintjob but
it lacks doors, the hood comes of easily, three of the four tyres
installed are either flat or rim only, the steering wheel goes left
only, the passenger seat is a beer crate ...

Sorry, it might be that v4 has severe problems, too*, but that is
not the point. We are talking about v5 and its honours or shames. Just
because A is nearly as bad or even worse than B doesn't make B good

BTW, many people are already leaving classical e-mail clients behind,
they use Google Mail, Facebook mail, Twitter, IM. Let's not *try*
putting off the few remaining folks [most of them in a businss

*And back when we talked a lot about IMAP being just retrofitted.

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat BETA on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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