
> Hi Dwight,

>>> One other thing I would ask for in TheB is the option to have a popup
>>> window asking in which imap folder to place the sent copy of outgoing
>>> messages. Mulberry and Pegasus have that. 
>> This would  be an excellent addition, indeed!

> What would you use it for?

I have a folder for project proposals and several folders devoted to
individuals. And other folders related to various projects in process.
It would be sterling to be able to decide in which place to put a sent
copy as I send the message.

> I once used a outgoing mail filter to put a copy of a send mail into
> the same folder as the mail I replied to so that it would thread
> along.

Yes, and that is more than most people need. Some delete a message as
soon as it is answered, never quote the previous message in a reply,
etc. They can use OE or MS Mail. People come to high performance email
clients because they have special needs. There is absolutely no sense
in competing with MS for ordinary users.



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