At Monday, April 30, 2001, 9:12:50 PM, Stefan stitched together that:

M>> * Undo in editor working strangely

ST> How exactly? I need step-by-step instructions of how to reproduce what
ST> you mean. I did not experience any problems with Undo for years.

I've been trying to make it bug every time, but to no avail. I have only a few
suspections - as it seems to happen most often with deleting and undoing the
deletion of a BIG block of text.

Try this one, it seems to work MOST of the time: select a line of text, CUT it
(ctrl+x), select another, cut, select another cut, and like this a few times.
Then try to undo all those cuts. I'm not talking about hitting the undo buffer
limit - it should undo more than six or seven such cuts, right?

M>> * weird cursor behavior in header edit fields

ST> Exactly?  You mean selection?  It is not a trivial thing because I've
ST> stated already that there is no way to determine where the caret is
ST> positioned - Windows returns only the selection range :-(

What control is it? And if it's not a standard Delphi control, when can I find
it so that I can try to look into it?

M>> * non-working nicknames in address books (a hell for ex-Netscape users!)

ST> Here nicknames are working perfectly. I use them many times every day.
ST> Details, please.

Okay, this one goes for you. Looks like I'm an ex-Netscapish moron...

Let's say that I have a friend with an address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and a
nickname "jonny". I type "jo" and I see "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" appended for me.
Fine, but it only recognized my typing in an email address. I want it to
recognize a nickname - so I continue to type, "jonny", and..... nothing

I _know_ that hitting TAB or DOWN will make Bat recognize the nickname, but
what if I don't remember its correct spelling? The way Netscape does it is much
more useful: a partially typed nickname is automatically "suggest-expanded" the
way email addresses are now in The Bat, or a list of possible nicknames and
email addresses appeard somewhere below the entry field...

M>> * deleting unread threads sometimes results in mistakes in folder's
M>> message count

ST> "Sometimes" is a bad word for bug reports. :-) So, could you please be
ST> more specific on this because I could not reproduce it?

I still can't pin the sucker down, but it's acting like this:

- I receive a bunch of messages, possibly some mailing lists
- I enter some folder with a few new messages
- I read some of them, I delete the whole threads with other ones
- In the end, I have no more unread messages in the folder (even CTRL+] and
  CTRL+[ refuse to find any remaining unread messages) but still the message
  counter says that I have 1 or 2 unread msgs!
- Exiting and entering a folder brings the counts back to normal

I doesn't ALWAYS do this, so I'll have to watch my message counts more closely
to produce a 100% replayable bug.


  The tagline intentionally left blank.
 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/   WWW:
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    E-M: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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