On 24 February 2019 at 08:36 Luca via TBBETA wrote and made these

... <snip>

L> So, what's a BETA list for?

Thank you for asking

,------/ From the welcome message \------
The TBBETA list has been set up for the purpose of discussing The Bat!
officially released Beta test versions and related issues. For general
topics  of a more simple nature regarding full release versions, refer
`------\ End /------

In  practice,  it  is  mostly  discussion of issues to seek advice and
confirmation from other beta users. Confirmed or difficult issues have
to  be  reported on the bugtraq system to be properly logged, assigned
and scheduled and progressed by the RITlabs development team.

Cheers -- Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v8.8.0.2 (BETA) on Windows 10.0.17763 

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