Hello everybody,

on Dienstag, 26. März 2019 at 15:20  Thomas Fernandez <thomas.gm...@gmx.net> 
re Re-downloading all the mails, and the POP3 protocol

    My suggestion:
   a) on the desktop, keep the number of days you keep messages on the server 
relative small;

I do that already. 4 weeks = over 5,000 messages in my company account.

   b) on the laptop (I guess that you have activated the option "keep ALL 
messages on the server") use the mailbox inspector to retrieve messages, maybe 
activate the option "activate mailbox inspector automatically for every 

With over 5,000 messages on the server, it is not practical to always use the 
mailbox inspector.

   So when after working 3 weeks at  home with your desktop PC, and then go on 
the road with the laptop, the laptop will find 3 weeks of new messages which 
are new to the laptop, and will download those roughly 3'750 messages. 

  That's what I wanted to make you understand by my longer explanations in my 
previous message. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt am Main

BTW, the above   is also a demonstration of how foolish the quoting with nested 
TABLEs is): 

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