Hello Zygmunt,

On Mon, 19 Dec 2022, at 16:55:00 [GMT +0100] (which was 16:55 where I
live) Zygmunt wrote:

> Yes, I know the template hierarchy and have tried different options
> to achieve the required result. Unfortunately, my attempts were
> failed. I want to use %ABTo... macros in the following expression placed in 
> the template:

> %To=""%To='"%ABToName, %ABToJob" <%ABToEmail>'

> As you see, first appears the clearing of "To" filed, and next its
> modification. Such expression gives me always such result:

> ", " <>

> I see the use of %To="" macro disables the latter modification of this field.

I added to your bug report at https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=2219


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