In a message dated, Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:09:35 -0600, Dwight A Corrin
[DAC] wrote:
DAC> It's difficult to imagine the point of an outbox or a sent folder
DAC> which cannot send mail. I can see that a common inbox might be an
DAC> alright idea, but how do things get in it.

Interesting. I created my common folders by moving what were formally
folders in an account to the common area. I then deleted the account
which was basically created only for the said folders. I therefore
don't have the redundant folders being mentioned.

DAC> If they do get in it what happens when one tries to reply to one
DAC> of them?

The account assigned to handle the reply is your default account for
mailto: URL's. In fact, the default account handles everything that
the common folders may need an accounts services for, such as trash,
storing sent mail etc.

What I'm having problems with is the folder maintaining its column
settings. The use default column settings is a bit confusing in the
context of common folders. Is this the default column settings for the
associated account? Or is it the default setting for the common
folders. I can't really say since one of the folders will not retain
the column settings that I assigned it. It keeps reverting to the TB!
default when I re-start TB!

DAC> A common trash folder seems a good idea, and a way to regain
DAC> screen space IF one could replace all the trash folders in all
DAC> the accounts with one common trash folder. That, I think, would
DAC> be a good thing. Then one could just empty one trash folder and
DAC> compact one trash folder and gain in several ways.

I personally prefer a trash folder per account.

  ©Allie C Martin   (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
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