On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Markus Gloede wrote:

> A message with an attachment exists twice in two separate folders (this
> not the problem but intentional), when one of it gets deleted (or moved?),
> the attachment gets lost.
> The account is set to store attachments in a separate folder and to delete
> messages when they are removed from the Trash.
> Could it be that when one copy of the message gets moved to the trash and
> deleted the Bat is not aware of a second copy existing and simply deletes
> the attachment?

how should TB know, how many copies of message with same attachment You
have? This problem can be solved for You, if You will have attachments in
message bodies - attachment will be in each msgbase, where You will have
such message.


Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

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