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On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 20:04:32 +0200, Pete [P] wrote these comments:
P> Pick a long message and read it using <space> to scroll it.

P> With PTV the last line of text in view will be the first line in view
P> when you hit <space>.

I know exactly what you're talking about here. With the plain text
viewer, reading with the scrollbar is something one can easily become
accustomed to and quite adept at since it does the same thing
*everytime* you hit the space bar. You expect everytime for you to be
scrolled so that the last line at the bottom of the previous page
becomes the first line of the next. Your eyes therefore dart to the top
of the screen to continue reading the next page. You know exactly where
to continue reading.

However, some people get irrationally rabid when scrolling is allowed to
occur beyond the end of the message. Users as these managed to convince
the MicroPlanet Gravity developers to block scrolling beyond the end of
a message.

What this created was a serious problem. You never really knew for sure
where the next spacebar scroll would take you. If the next page
consisted of only three lines of text, the space bar would only scroll
you three lines down. If there are only ten lines left, you are scrolled
ten lines downwards.  You therefore have to just look for where to
continue reading each time you hit the scroll-bar. You cannot develop a
learned behaviour of quickly moving your eyes to the top of the screen
each time you hit the scroll-bar.

The Gravity developers said they understood what I was saying and agreed
but they made the change because of user demand and were reluctant to
change it back. That was that.... I have since used Agent instead, which
space bar scrolls the correct way.

P> But RTV is trying to do something different.

Indeed it does.  This is why I've abandoned space bar scrolling when
using the RTV. I just scroll.

P> After hitting <space> you don't get the last line being the first,
P> no. You get the *next* line.

You actually get exactly one page.

If only the top half of a line of text is visible at the bottom of the
page, it's the lower of the same line of text that is at the top of the
next page.

P> OK, sort of, if you trust the programme doesn't skip any lines. I
P> don't, so I'd really like to see the PTV behaviour in RTV too.

It's uneasy not being able to read the last line of the last page. Even
the last 2 lines, but some of the last page should be displayed and in
a predictable fashion.

However, I can sympathise to some extent since it's a RTV which means
that it can display text with different font sizes and types. It's
therefore very difficult if not impossible to make the scroll-bar
scrolling as exact as it is with the fixed width viewer that is designed
to use only one font type at a time.

My heart is with the fixed width viewer for this reason. It's definitely
a give and take thing.

P> But the worst thing is that on a lengthy message you're bound to bump
P> in a situation where you see only the upper half of a line on the
P> bottom of the window and when you hit the <space> you see the lower
P> half of that same line on the top of the window! Aaaaarrgghhh!!

I feel your pain. I think you have to stick with the plain text viewer
if you can't give up using the scroll-bar for reading.

- --
      |   Allie Martin - Moderator
      | TB! v1.54 Beta/49 & Windows XP 5.1.2600
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