Hello Gene,

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:07:09 -0400 GMT (11/07/02, 20:07 +0700 GMT),
Gene Gough wrote:

GG> If this worked it would be fine.  It does not.  See bug report 835.
GG> This problem (835) seems to be present in the context that you mention
GG> below.  I don't mind that the message is not displayed by BAT properly
GG> every time but I do want BAT to leave the attachment names alone so
GG> that when I attempt to open using the HTML icon the page will open as
GG> it was intended.

You are talking about another thing, namely renaming of attachments
that are sent with the message. I have never commented on that bug, as
I have never experienced a problem (which doesn't mean that the
problem doesn't exist, but only that I cannot contribute to the
thread, each message to which adds knowledge to the thread and the
combined minds of the list members. A message on a beta list that
doesn't add knowledge is a waste of bandwidth IMHO).

Gary was talking about objects that are not sent with the message but
referenced as external links in a HTML message. Please read the thread



Compaq is considering changing the command "Press Any Key" to "Press
Return Key" because of the flood of calls asking where the "Any" key

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.61
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

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