Hello Gene,

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:29:27 -0400 GMT (11/07/02, 23:29 +0700 GMT),
Gene Gough wrote:

GG> Perhaps this is not the same problem but it looks like it to me.

Actually, no, it isn't. Technically these are two different things.

GG> Perhaps I have it totally confused and if so, I am sorry but the only
GG> way we work these things out is to discuss them.  Thanks.

I agree and will try to explain:

What you are referring to are attachments (imbedded objects in an HTML
mail) that were actually sent with the email. They are referenced
locally, of you look at the source code. Therefore, when you receive
the email, TB will show them. Once you forward these attachments, the
names are being changed but the reference within the HTML code is not.
Therefore, they are not being shown when you open the forwarded mail.
This has been critisised as a bug, and I am inclined to agree to that

The other problem is when the object is not sent with the email. It is
not referenced locally, but the reference points to a URL somewhere in
the www. TB will not GET (this is the technical term for downloading
in this case) the object; this is not a bug but by design. If you look
at the source code of the email, you see that the address of that
object is not on your computer.

If this is still not clear, I cannot explain it any better, and maybe
someone else needs to chip in.



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