Hello Leif,

On Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 08:40 GMT -0600, a witness saw Leif
Gregory [LG] commit:

LG> Well, I'm guessing it's about time to put this thread to rest.

Yes, please. ;-)  I know, I'm coming late to the party, but the
seemingly obvious and appropriate solution is yet again being

LG> I'd imagine that eventually, there won't be much differentiation to
LG> new users what constitutes the base TB software and what constitutes
LG> an add-on.

I agree.

LG> To them it'll be the whole package, and a problem with an
LG> add-on will be a problem with TB in their eyes. Therefore, I think
LG> that ultimately, things will be better served by keeping them on

Why not TBTECH and TBUDL?  Really, think about regexps.  When they
were first introduced in TB, they were discussed in immense detail in
TBUDL.  There were lots of complaints and so TBTECH was set up for
*advanced* discussions of TB related issues.  That doesn't mean there
is no discussion on TBUDL or TBBETA, just that in-depth discussions
get pushed to TBTECH.  Now regexp support is good enough that the only
time regexps need to be discussed on TBBETA is when the template engine
changes and major template overhauls are necessary.  How often does
that happen?

If you still don't believe that regexps and plugins should be treated
the same way, consider:
 - Both are for advanced users.
 - Both extend functionality.  Some may argue that the functionality
   should be included natively in TB, but:
 - Neither plugins nor regexps are necessary for a good chunk of
 - Many people feel they have no hope of understanding either, but
   want the functionality.
 - Not very many people are actively developing plugins or regexps
   publicly on theses lists. Although, privately, who knows?

The parallels are uncanny.

As I see it, plugin support is not a BETA issue anymore since the
feature exists in the official release. The plugin interface seems to
be stable, though I suppose Alexey or Stefan are about the only ones
who could say for sure. As such, it seems TBBETA is the absolute
*worst* list[1] for these discussions. *ANY* of the other lists[1]
would be more appropriate. Yes, the plugins themselves may be in beta
stages, but by that same token, so are many of the regexp based
templates that get developed on TBTECH.

Heck, even if you really don't want TBTECH to be "polluted", then why
was TBDEV created?  If it isn't for the discussion of the development
of plugins (which would include user feedback), it seems to be a
pointless list. 

I don't think it is reasonable for the moderators to delegate this
decision onto the members.  Sure, read the arguments, but then make a
decision amongst yourselves and let us know.  This is *not* a
democracy, it is a friendly dictatorship and you guys are doing a
fantastic job.  Don't forget though, the reason it has worked so well
is because you established clear rules and enforce them vigilantly.  I
don't see how this topic is any different.

LG> It just means that Marck, Allie, and I will have to come up with new
LG> trouting templates for people who post non-beta add-ons to TBBETA and
LG> vice-versa! ;-)

Just mutate the trout you use for regexp discussions that go too far on
TBUDL.  ;-)

[1] The lists referenced are the @thebat.dutaint.com lists of course.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's
safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

 Current beta is 2.00.22 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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