Hi Goncalo,

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005, at 15:51:37 [GMT +0000] (which was 8:51 AM where
I live) you wrote:
GF> I disagree. It's vulnerable because MS was unable to anticipate
GF> the misuse of the technology they were providing. Now they made it
GF> more secure (not perfectly secure) without cutting down the
GF> functionality that people had.

Sure they did. MS hosts a page listing hundreds of applications they
broke by trying to fix their mistakes.

GF> Power comes at a cost. It's not acceptable to have limits because
GF> some people just don't know any better. The car makers don't put
GF> speed limits in their cars because they might be bought by some
GF> lame driver that may kill himself.

You've never heard of governors? They're on nearly every US military
vehicle. And many high performance vehicles have them in case you loan
your car to your kid. You put a key in, and enable the governor.

So let's look at it for people who are incapable of being a safe
driver. They lose their license, they are put in jail, they are
required to have interlock devices installed in their vehicles (drunk
driving). ISPs already shut down spammer accounts or accounts of
people doing things illegally. Are you ready to have your ISP shut
down your account because you enabled some functionality without fully
understanding the ramifications? There's already legislation in the
works to make users financially responsible for damages caused by
their lack of security awareness. There are even companies that have
successfully sued other companies that caused damages to their
networks due to poor security. If you don't mind shelling out the big
buck for something that could have simply been mitigated by not
opening the door in the first place, then go for Outlook. Friends love
friends who send them viruses and spam.

GF> MS didn't realize how their technology could be misused...

And RITLabs is going to be able to foresee the future any better than
they? MS has boatloads of money, resources and analysts. Is RITLabs
going to be able to afford that and do a better job?

LG>> What  I'm  getting at is that the populace in general needs people
LG>> like  Tony  and  Paul  and myself to try and keep the sanity. Most
GF> Pleeeease...

Please yourself. Join some groups on XHTML right now. You'll see many,
many people like Tony, Paul, and myself trying to get W3C to stop the
madness. Unfortunately in this day and age, silence implies consent.

If people like us don't show objective reasoning as to why something
isn't a good idea, then it's all going to become garbage.

GF> Make an easy mode for 'rookie' users and a Power mode for power
GF> users.

Yeah right. The first time a user has to turn on "advanced" mode just
so they can see images in HTML messages, they'll have it enabled and
then god knows what else they'll turn on.

GF> You don't really convince me that you hate that. In fact, you seem
GF> to like it alot.

What because I don't want HTML in my e-mail. If that's all you're
basing it off of, then you're right. I don't hate that TB doesn't
support HTML fully.

GF> I like to be able to do everything and then choose what I don't
GF> want to do just because I want to not because I can't.

For tech savvy users this is fine. I worked for AOL for a while in DSL
tech support. I'm not going to say all AOL users are boneheads, but as
a techy, AOL people scare the living daylights out of me!

GF> I disagree. That sort of speak is good for the "big brother
GF> watching you".

Yeah, preventing images in HTML mail means RITLabs is watching you.
Makes a lot of sense. You win.. and I quote.. "Pleeeease..."

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