Tony Boom wrote:
> Hello David,
>   A reminder of what David Calvarese on TBBETA typed on:
>   27 February 2005 at 21:02:53 GMT +0100
> DC> I don't think any of us said it had to be 'right now'  And as I've said
> DC> before, I agree that bug fixes should come first.
>  I know, and you are right, html should be available for those that want
>  it. But can you see my point? Those of us that don't want it will be left
>  with an unsupported version full of bugs.
>  Fix all the bugs first, then implement html and at least the people who
>  don't want the update will have at least a fully working client, including
>  IMAP of course.

Oh, I agree 100%.  I certainly want better IMAP support and for some
fixes to be made to the GnuPG (not PGP) support.  Those have to happen
before I can switch back, regardless of HTML support... If they do HTML
first, I'll still be using Tbird till they get the IMAP/GnuPG stuff done. :)

Dave Calvarese
Member of E-mailaholics International
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