Hello David,

  A reminder of what David Calvarese on TBBETA typed on:
  27 February 2005 at 21:20:46 GMT +0100

DC> Oh, I agree 100%.  I certainly want better IMAP support and for some
DC> fixes to be made to the GnuPG (not PGP) support

 Not too long ago my host implemented IMAP. I've never used it before but
 would like to see what all the fuss is about. Trouble is if I try it
 with a half working IMAP client I'm afraid it'll put me off of it for

 Well you know me and PGP, we have never got along. I'm using version 6.5.8
 that Marck gave me years ago, it's working and I'm not changing it, even
 though I don't use it much.

 I do use GnuPG but that's under it's native environment, Linux and it
 seems to work OK there.
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