At 09:59 [GMT-0700] on Sunday February 27 (actual time - 12:59am on Monday in
Perth, Western Australia), you wrote:

GF>> It's part of the new era. RITLabs surely won't straighten up the
GF>> usage of email, they must go along with the major players and the
GF>> major players do have GOOD HTML support.

> So if your friend jumps off a bridge, you're going to do it too?

Leif, if you think HTML email is at the same level of seriousness as killing
yourself, something's gone wrong somewhere.

GF>> If I had the same attitude that a few other showed up I would say
GF>> something like "I don't use IMAP, I don't care if it has bugs or
GF>> not I rather have HTML rendered correctly" but I find both things
GF>> important.

> IMAP is part of e-mail. HTML isn't. Poor argument.

Sorry, but it is. It might not be what people want, but that's life.

It's not possible for me to say to my boss "Sorry, but I'd really like us to
change our system for dealing with email because I disapprove of our use of HTML
email." It's not my fault he learned to do things with Outlook, but placing my
head firmly in the sand won't change the way he does things, and I have to deal
with it.

Remember, it's being suggested as a "normally off, user-choose" option.

I'd be happy with the ability to use HTML templates (for the one or two a week I
*must* use)...


cheers, mic

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