Hi Leif Gregory,
 On 27/2/2005 11:59 AM, you wrote:

> Remember Opera? They refused to improperly render HTML pages due to
>  sloppy markup. They caught flack over it for sure, but they stuck 
> to their guns. They're still very popular.

The only reason Opera has remained popular is that it works. There is
no way any philosophical arguments of purity can replace a working
browser. Opera is miles ahead of what it used to be in terms of
compatibility with the web pages out there. I've been an Opera user
since the v3.0 days and there's no doubt about its increased
usability, not by sticking to its guns, but very likely making the
concessions where necessary to maintain usability; and here I say
'very likely' since I'm not sure with the only other explanation being
that the quality of web pages have improved in terms of compliance to
standards. I really doubt it's the latter. The end user wants
something that works and OperaSoft seems to be well aware of that.

TB! works in many other ways and darned good at that. That's what
keeps it going.

> The reason other "players" have good HTML support is that these 
> other player also write browsers. They implement their browser into
>  their e-mail product. Do I have anything against TB writing their 
> own browser... Nope. Would I rather they spend the time making TB a
>  better and more solid product for *e-mail*. Definitely.

Right. I agree.

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