Hello Chris,

  A reminder of what Chris Wilson on TBBETA typed on:
  03 May 2005 at 12:52:26 GMT +0200

CW>  I hope the end user isn't expected to clean up FOR
CW> TB!!

 My point exactly. Every other piece of software I have, when I update it
 it does so with very little fuss without the need to delete numerous
 obsolete file, with very minimal user input and upon reboot it runs
 complete with previous settings.

 Oh, almost forgot, in almost every case without exception it has LESS bugs
 than the previous version.

 Sorry 9Val but if I was a RITLABS employee I would be very ashamed to put
 my name to a release version that still contains so many know bugs that
 have been reported, discussed and totally ignored for so long.

 From what I've read in the past few days, even IMAP is back to square one
 and your still considering releasing it to an unsuspecting public.

 The software market is pretty competitive and you won't gain much
 credibility in that market by continually releasing bug ridden crap
 software... Even less so when you know about the bugs before the release
 and still do nothing to fix them.

 It's working fine for me the way I use it, but not everyone uses it the
 same as me.

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