On 6/12/05, Ian A. White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And another thing that follows from this is that by picking the CC on
> the taskbar to see what is happening, if you use the Mail Dispatcher,
> after the CC calls the Mail Dispatcher and you get the mail, the MD
> and CC close, but focus is not handed back to the main window.

Good point, Ian. The entire process is unfriendly. 

The CC and MD are longstanding and fundamental features of TB. All of
a sudden, with 3.5, the behavior of the CC has changed and changed for
the worse. The change was unannounced, unplanned, and unfriendly. It
is a bug - a bug with repercussions, as you have pointed out, Ian.

I am not a programmer, but my guess is that this bug is very minor - a
line of code that could be corrected in a few minutes if one of the
developers would just fix what s/he has unintentionally broken. In
contrast, I have spent hours just reporting this bug, a bug that no
one from Ritlabs has even had the courtesy to acknowledge, much less
made an attempt to fix.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro 3.5.26

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