Hello Keith,  

KR> I have tried clicking Yes and repairing the file, but it doesn't
KR> help. Every few seconds, this message pops up, making it 
KR> impossible to work.

You'd   better   to   find   out  which  IMAP  mailbox  it  is  and in
disconnected  state repair it through folder maintenance. Or you could
use 'Clear cache' button.

KR> Can someone tell me the best way to deal with this? Since this is 
KR> IMAP, can I just delete the TBB file and let TB rebuild it?

Yes,   it   is  another  way,  but  you should delete both TBB and TBI
files (the way 'Clear cache' button works)

KR> I'm still on version One reason that I have never
KR> upgraded this version and completely stopped using The Bat! some 
KR> time ago is that it is unusable due to a constantly recurring
KR> error message.

Since  there  was  a  lot  of changes of how IMAP works with
message  bases.  It  should  be  more  reliable  now, so if you'll fix
corrupted base, try the newer version.



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